The Registration Forms for 2019/2020 are now available to all parents who wish to register for September 2019.
If your child is starting Reception in September you will also need to fill out an All About Me form. This will help us get to know your child before they start with us at Kids Club, and we will use this as a starting point for their Learning Journey which we will document on Tapestry, the app we use to support the delivery of the Early Years Foundation Stage.
There is a £10 registration fee which must be paid in order to secure your child’s place – this can be paid via BACS transfer to:
Out of Hours Kids’ Club
Please use your child’s full name and the school they attend as the payment reference.
I would recommend that you return your forms as soon as possible in order to secure the place. When you return your form we can calculate your monthly payments which are to be made on the 1st of the month, September 2019 to July 2020.
If you have any queries, please feel free to call us on 0151 306 4775 or email us
2 Riversdale Road
L19 3QW
Download the documents here: